
Which Work Model Fits You?

Posted by on Sep 22, 2013 in Career Success | 4 comments

Typically, after we find our passion we don’t automatically begin to make money working in our passion.

So what do you do when you’ve found your passion but you’re not sure how to apply it?

Deciding Which Door to Choose 2Creative Commons License Vic via Compfight

It can be difficult to determine how to begin the process of doing work you love because there can be confusion about how your passion fits into one of the available work models.

The first step to working in your passions is to understand the four ways to make money.

How To Overcome Career Confusion

Posted by on Sep 15, 2013 in Career Success | 7 comments

To get paid to work in our passions we must be intentional.

To borrow Stephen Coveys’ concept, we must begin with the end in mind.

Funny Signs @Doug88888 via Compfight

How are you going to make money with your passion?

What’s the end game?

Take A Break

Posted by on Sep 8, 2013 in Career Success, Personal Development | 0 comments

Whatever you’re working toward right now I want to encourage you to stop and take a break.


saud beach jessiefish via Compfight

We weren’t designed to constantly be on the go and constantly work.

This past week I gutted the kitchen of our new house to get ready for a kitchen remodel (more to say about that later) and, I must say, I’m tired.

Have You Outgrown Your Professional Wardrobe?

Posted by on Sep 1, 2013 in Career Success | 3 comments

This is a guest post by Nick Christian who works with college students to discover and reach their career goals as a Director of Career Services. You can follow him on his blog at or on Twitter


Working with college students, I tend to hear a lot of great, creative terms.

One such term is “schmedium.” It is used to describe shirts of students in denial they are still growing (this is usually men, but women can be guilty as well).

popping buttons

Photo Credit: Richard Ayers

As many college students often get free shirts, these maturing students continue to request size small shirts that, once worn a couple times, are well stretched to fit their now medium physiques.

Unfortunately, it is very obvious that they are wearing a shirt that is too small. It’s not a pretty sight.

This may be how you feel in your work. Perhaps you have grown professionally so that your current responsibilities no longer fit you well.

Is Your Passion Selfless or Selfish?

Posted by on Aug 25, 2013 in Career Success | 8 comments

Our passions can often seem elusive but there’s a reason for this.

This happens because our drive to find our passions is grounded in our own needs, comfort, interests, and desire for significance.


Molly Sabourin via Compfight

So in order to find our passions we must first ask ourselves why we want to find our passion.

Does it come from our own pride, envy of others, or a place to find our worth?

Or is it something more?

How To Stop Thinking Negatively and Start Thinking Confidently

Posted by on Aug 18, 2013 in Career Success, Personal Development | 12 comments

Prior to 1954 no one in recorded history had run a mile in less than four minutes.

The “experts” told everyone the human body just wasn’t capable of doing it.

Comedy & Tragedy Bart via Compfight

Then on May 6, 1954 Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minutes.

Only 46 days later an Australian runner broke Bannister’s record.

Since that time numerous people have run a mile in under four minutes.

So what happened?

3 Ways To Pursue Your Passion When You Have A Family

Posted by on Aug 11, 2013 in Career Success | 10 comments

Sometimes one of the things we can perceive as an obstacle to pursuing our passions is having a family.

Everyone’s situation is different so if you’re single this may not apply to you.

A Blue Sunday Family PortraitCreative Commons License Pierre via Compfight

But many of us have a significant other, spouse, and children.

If we’re not careful we can begin to see our families as standing in the way of doing the work we love.

Is Finding Your Passion Really A Priority?

Posted by on Aug 4, 2013 in Career Success, Time Management | 13 comments

One huge obstacle to finding your passion is thinking we don’t have enough time.

What time is love? Myxi via Compfight

You may have a job, a significant other, kids, ailing parents, church or volunteer commitments.

Is Money Holding You Back From Doing Work You Love?

Posted by on Jul 28, 2013 in Career Success | 6 comments

There is a common assumption that if you do what you love for work you won’t be able to make any money.

Often the pursuit of working in our passions is stopped because we don’t believe we can actually make a living doing what we love.

Jar of MoneyWhen you boil it down we often give up on pursuing our passions because we’re afraid.

We fear failure, poverty, embarrassment and a host of other emotions that can come when we aren’t able to support ourselves and our loved ones.

Yet, what would happen in your life if you were living and working in your passions?

How might that change some things for you?

The First Thing You Can Do

Reframe your belief to include the possibility that if you do what you love you can make even more money than you are right now.

If you’re doing what you love, likely you are really good at it.


People pay for products and services provided by those who are exceptional at what they do.

Steve Martin said, “be so good they can’t ignore you.”

When you’re really good at what you do people can’t ignore it.

As a result, money seems to come in unexpected ways.

An Interview With Jeff Goins, Author of The In-Between

Posted by on Jul 21, 2013 in Book Review, Career Success | 13 comments

Jeff Goins is the author of Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams Into Your Comfortable Life and now the author of his latest book The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing.

I had an opportunity to sit down with Jeff on a Google Hangout to talk about his newest book.

In the interview we cover:

  • What this book is really about.
  • Why he wrote the book.
  • The in-between moment in his life that has had the greatest impact.
  • What we can all do to reduce our frustration while we wait.