Should You Take a Personality Assessment?

You’ve probably heard of or have taken the Myers-Briggs or DISC or some other personality instrument out there.

However, sometimes it can feel like personality assessments raise more questions than provide answers.

How do students measure up?

Venspired.com (@ktvee) via Compfight

Which is the best one to take? Is it going to say I have the worst personality you can have? How in the world will this help me get a better job? Don’t circumstances dictate how I behave sometimes?

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How to Choose the Work You Love When You Feel Stuck (Part 2)

(This post is part of a series. To read part 1 go here.)

When you don’t like your job and you feel stuck, one of the best things you can do is take a personality assessment.

Photo Credit: hobvias sudoneighm

Two of the best, most reliable and valid personality instruments on the market are the DISC and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

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