
3 Kinds of Skills You Need to Love Your Job

In seventh grade I was chosen to be something called a peer counselor. I had no idea what this was at the time.

All I knew was that I liked being able to get out of school to go to a nice hotel with free pastries for a day of peer counselor training.


It turned out the training helped us learn some skills to counsel other kids who were dealing with problems they didn’t want to talk about with adults.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, this would be the spark that made me aware of my ability to counsel others and help them solve their problems.

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One Necessary Piece to Finding Your Passion

One of the key ingredients to finding your passion in your work is to know how your skills and passions are connected.

There are two pieces you need to know and understand in regard to your skills.

I will try fix youPhoto Credit: Alfonsina Blyde » via Compfight

The first piece is knowing the current skills you possess. The second piece has to do with understanding your level of enjoyment using specific skills you currently posses or skills you want to learn in the future.

However, the dilemma is we often don’t really know how to figure out which skills we currently have or want to obtain and enjoy using.  

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Have You Made This Mistake In Your Career?

Have you ever thought about what you’re supposed to be doing with your career?

Fowl StormCreative Commons License JD Hancock via Compfight

I know that may sound like a really strange question.

You might be thinking, what do you mean by “supposed to be doing?”

Most discussions about what you want to do in your career don’t revolve around this question.

Here’s what I mean.

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