Music to Work By: Shad

Do you like to listen to music when you work? I do. It helps me to be more creative and enjoy myself. I have my favorites but I especially enjoy being introduced to new music. However, there are so many artists out there its difficult to pay attention to them all and still enjoy the old stand bys. So I want to introduce a new segment to the blog called “Music to Work By”.

5 Ways To Know It’s Time For a Career Change

Last week I bought a new pair of shoes. I bought the same brand of shoes three years ago and I loved them so I was excited to get a brand new pair. Everything was going well on the first day I wore them. A little stiff here, breaking them in there, the usual with new shoes. However, at some point during the day I noticed some significant discomfort on the top part of my foot. I just chalked it up to the break in period of new shoes so I

How to Escape Your Career Coal Mine

In southern West Virginia during the late 19th and early 20th century there was really only one good option for work. The coal mine. The coal mine meant hard work, black lung, and a steady pay check. If your granddad worked there, your dad worked there, and guess what? You were going to work there too. Seemingly there weren’t a lot of choices. In times past children were expected…

Are You Clark Kent or Superman?

Your inner Clark Kent isn’t a bad guy. He’s easy to get along with, he keeps his head down, doesn’t cause trouble and gets the job done. He shows up between 8 and 5 Monday through Friday and pretty much everybody likes Clark. The problem is Clark knows what it’s like to be Superman. You see your inner Superman shows up sometime after 5pm and on the weekends. Superman has a fantastic time doing everything else except…