3 Tips for Landing Your Dream Job

Posted by in Career Success | 6 comments

This is a guest post by Drew Tewell. Drew is a recruiter, author and blogger who helps people navigate the world of work. He has helped hundreds of individuals in all walks of life with work and professional development. Drew is the author of the book, The Dream Job Program. You can read his blog and follow him on Twitter


Landing your dream job can sometimes seem like it is never going to happen.

When you find yourself feeling like you are never going to make the transition to the work that you want to do, you must be careful. I am saying this from experience.

The perfect shot

Lorenia via Compfight

For years I had dreams of starting a nonprofit. I eventually started my own business. Then I made a bad decision. Then another. Here is some advice from what I learned. 

1. Have a plan.

My first mistake was quitting my job. I was going through a rough time and one day I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore. I took some time off and eventually ended up quitting without having anything else lined up and no real plan for what I was going to do next.

2. Make sure your significant other is in agreement with your plan.

My second mistake was not having my spouse onboard with what I was doing. After quitting my job, a month later I found a new one. Then, over a year later, I quit another job to work on my business full-time. A short time after that, my wife and I split up. Thankfully, we are back together now.

3. Don’t be in such a hurry.

I know, this can be hard when you’re doing something that you don’t like, or worse. But when you have a plan and you are working with a specific destination in mind, it’s easier to be patient as you pursue your dreams. This stuff takes time, and the bigger the dream, the longer it can take. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. You can land your dream job, just make sure to do it responsibly and be patient.

Question: What’s one tip you’d give to someone to land their dream job?

6 Responses to “3 Tips for Landing Your Dream Job”

  1. Thanks for having me over, Adam!

  2. Spend enough time looking inward – identifying what you are both good at and passionate about – so that when you do make a jump you don’t find yourself in the same position 6 months down the road. Great post, Drew – I’ve enjoyed finding new blogs by following your guest posts this year!

  3. I would say that you should advertise yourself in that area and become an Expert in the field you want to be in. So study, practice and Teach it so that you can attract those recruiters to yourself.


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